Look out! Here comes the Menaissance
It looks like men's identity crisis is dipping into the "old brain" for some help. The metrosexual identity seems to have come and gone and American men are trying to reestablish their manliness. This is what Paul Harris thinks in his article Menaissance in the Guardian. It is a very interesting look at the sort of confusion a lot of American men are experiencing as to what their role is in American society. It is a little creepy at the same time when you see how shallowness is being treated as a virtue. I certainly agree that American men are searching for their identity and I also think there are many socio-political factors involved, i.e. a declining middle class, a complete outsourcing of American jobs to cheap labor abroad, Women finding their place and their voice within the workforce and sexual confusion. Women and gay men are beginning to be heard and this is going to have an effect on the heterosexual American male and lets hope it has more of a tolerant inclusive quality rather than old brained bashing in the skulls of those that don't fit quality. Please let me know your views on this subject because I know you have many. For those of you that live in different countries please express how you see the role of the male.